News & Financial Insights | Page 2

Removing the anxiety of the daily commute?

As I boarded the train this morning, on my way to a client meeting in Wimbledon, I glanced down at my cufflinks showing the hand prints of my two amazing children. A present from my wife for my 40th birthday (the cufflinks that is). The perfect gift for “the man you can’t buy for”. That Read more >

Congratulations Sam

We would like to congratulate Sam Pole, our Paraplanner and Compliance Assistant who has won a Local Institute Examination Prize for the “Best Performance in completing the Certificate in Financial Planning (Cert PFS)”. The Insurance Institute of Leicester is the professional body that represents members of the Chartered Insurance Institute and the Personal Finance Society Read more >

A family or retirement – do you really need to choose?

Would you want £8,000 income in retirement? Could you survive on an annual income of £8,000 in retirement? That is roughly what the state pension currently pays out, if you have 35 years of National Insurance (NI) credits. Have you given up work to look after your family – whether male or female – you are amongst those least likely to save for retirement. Read more >

Cash in the bank … risk or reward?

As Financial Advisers, we talk to a variety of clients, friends and family about the current issues regarding their savings, investments and pensions. If I had a penny for every time I heard ‘the bank is giving me a terrible rate’ I would have a pound. This makes me pose the question, have you considered investing? Read more >